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  • Are purchases refundable?
    Yes, purchases are refundable but refunds vary. If service has already begun then a partial refund will be issued. If no service has started then a full refund will be issued. Email: if you would like a refund.
  • Can I make changes to my order?
    No. Orders cannot be changed after an order has been complete. If you are unsure about your purchase please contact a representative before you complete your purchase.
  • Why are Wix websites priced higher than Shopify sites?
    ASHTHETICS team members can add more design elements to Wix websites compared to Shopify websites. With increased design flexibility, it takes more time and effort to customize a Wix website, therefore the price is higher.
  • How do I pay for services that are not listed on the website?
    If you receive a service that is not listed on The Sweet Savage website you will receive an invoice via PayPal or Square (dependent on the payment method of your choice). The client has the option to pay either 50% or 100% of the invoice after it has been sent. Once the service has been completed, the client has 3 days after final project has been submitted to send the remaining balance. If client fails to do so, a $5 late fee will be added each day the client fails to pay remaining balance.
  • How do I request a feature on the Sweet Savage Blog?
    Email blog inquiries to:
  • I don't have my pictures ready, should I still buy my package now?"
    We highly recommend that you do not purchase a package if you are not prepared to begin the project. Most of the services and packages offered require photo visuals, logo(s), color palette, and/or general information about your brand. If you need assistance getting these items or unsure of the materials you need to proceed with a service, contact an ASHTHETICS representative via email at
  • What if I want my project edited or revised?
    An ASHTHETICS Representative is required to check in with you before the final submission of a project to see if any edits or revisions are needed. If client approves the work during the check in, there will be no additional edits or revisions made. Any edits or revisions that are requested after the final edits have been made will require a nonrefundable $25 editing fee.
  • I want to add on to my current service, can I do that?"
    Once Client has purchased a service from The ASHTHETICS Agency, Client is unable to add on additional services until after the initial service has been completed. If Client is unsure about a specific package or service, email an ASHTHETICS representative at to receive additional information and see if the desired package is right for you. There is also an option to schedule a free 30 minute consultation to better understand your brand needs.
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