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Bloom with Goal Getting Women at The Peony Collective

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

"The Peony Collective is targeted to women who want to generate income through their social media. We cater to women who sell products or services, women who want to grow their personal brand as a blogger or influencer and any other babes who want to make income through IG!"

As a female entrepreneur, each day is different and brings a variety of challenges. It's so easy to get discouraged and unmotivated with all the responsibilities that must get taken care of.

Natalie Bloom, the founder of The Peony Collective has created a digital platform that caters to female entrepreneurs and goal getting women who want to make money doing the things they enjoy while posting daily motivationals on Instagram.

"I founded The Peony in 2019 as a way to share my social media knowledge with other women. As a content creator / social media manager / blogger, I noticed not many in the industry are inclined to share how they actually make money or start an online business using their platform. I think that’s total B.S. so I created The Peony Collective as an online platform and community for women to actually learn how to live their dream life while doing something they love."

The name originated from Natalie's favorite flower - the Peony, and her last name which just so happens to be Bloom.

"I decided on the name "The Peony Collective" because my favorite flower is a peony and my last name is Bloom (which is like a flower blooming). A collective is a group of people coming together which is exactly what my community is, so it all came together!"

Since launch, The Peony Collective has grown its online community and posts motivational content every day to ensure that anyone who is apart feels ready to take on any feat. Membership is available for women ready to monetize their brand and connect with like-minded women.

"As a member of The Peony Collective you’ll have access to valuable resources, group coaching calls, supportive community members and personal business help / advice from  me! The other women in the community are insanely supportive and love to collaborate with each other which is probably one of my favorite things about The Peony."

Along with all The Peony Collective members, Natalie continues to draw motivation from other

sources of her life.

"There are so many motivations in my life. My family, my puppy and my own dreams all contribute to my motivation. I’m inclined to inspire and motivate other women because we all need a hypebeast in our lives! Life is tough and everyone needs a daily pick me up (myself included). I’m so grateful people find motivation in my content and that’s truly what keeps me going!"

In addition to her family, puppy and dreams, she uses the support from the online community she has built to keep her going.

"Running a business is definitely hard with or without help! While I’m the only founder, I’m so grateful to have an amazing Intern (her name is Angelina). Ang helps me with everything from social media to back end website work and more. There’s definitely been days where I feel like giving up but I always stay motivated knowing how much support and love I have from the community and my IG followers."

In terms of inspiration, Natalie is inspired by girl bosses Jasmine Star, Sivan Ayla, Melanie Perkins and Danielle Bernstein. She also enjoys the simple things, such as being outside with her dog.

I draw so much inspiration from Pinterest. I also love being outdoors with my dog, listening to music while drinking coffee. I think that’s where some of my best ideas come from.

Natalie is currently working on an Instagram Master Class course that will soon be available for purchase on The Peony Collective site. As she continues to build her online community, she looks forward to growing and blooming into more success in the future.

"Growth is uncomfortable af but I’m willing to sit through all of it because I know my dream life is on the other side."

Follow The Peony Collective on Instagram for daily motivational content!

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