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5 Tips to Becoming a Girl Boss

Being a powerful woman in any industry takes time, with these five tips you can be on your way to being a GIRL BOSS!

1. Create your Brand

Developing who you are, and what you do is important when it comes t being a girl boss. There are so many women out in the world doing great things but you have to figure out what makes you stand out. The Sweet Savages offer branding consultation as well to help you become your own boss.

2. Generate a following

Having a social media following is key when it comes to new girl bosses. A following will allow you to to generate an income for when you decide to market yourself and your skills.

3. Determine how you can make a profit

Wither starting a business, writing a self help book, or even starting a Youtube channel finding how to make a profit off of your personal brand is imperative. The bills have to be paid someway, honey!

4. Begin the work

After determining what your brand is and figuring out a way to make a profit off your brand, it's time to start the work. Working to promote yourself is a constant job. Setting goals for yourself monthly can also be apart of your 'work.'

5. Reach girl boss status

After doing all of this you're sure to have achieved all of those goals you've set and gained a major following while earning a profit. You've become a Girl Boss!

Still need some inspiring? Checkout She Did That! on Netflix now.

Now that we gave you these 5 tips on becoming a girl boss, The Sweet Savages have to get back to our own brand.

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